S. Kirsten Gay: Van Gogh Chair with two Cats
Design modified and hooked by S. Kirsten Gay
Hooked for the challenge of it
The rug was hooked on linen with new and recycled wool fabric, yarn, and roving, and with recycled sari silk ribbons.
This rug was created as part of the Van Gogh Rug Challenge from Ribbon Candy Hooking. I approached this with minimal personalization, just replacing Van Gogh’s pipe. handkerchief and onions with my favorites—cats. I looked closely at each brushstroke and then picked the closest match from my stash of wool and sari silk. I learned the painting was not the colors I thought, and to my surprise, it is mostly shades and tones of green. The juxtaposition between the different yarn colors, as in the painting, create the impression of the chair, cats, etc. The direction of the hooked loops mimics the direction of the paint strokes. The rug is hooked on linen with new and recycled wool fabric, yarn, roving, and with recycled sari silk ribbons.
A fateful trip to Canada brought me to a tiny rug hooking shop in PEI in 2016. I was hooked. I have studied Japanese garden design, Architecture, and Landscape Architecture, and practiced Business Software Interface Design Consulting for about 20 years. I draw, paint, create ceramic sculptures, and hooked or punched rugs.